Calming Balm for Dogs



Uses: car sickness/anxiety, nausea, diarrhea, colitis, fights parasites.

Directions: Rub on dog’s stomach, inner thighs, and on paws when needed. Do not use excessively, 2-3 times per day maximum.

Store in a cool dark location for maximum shelf life. Good for 1-3 years when stored correctly.

Warning: Not for use on cats. Safe for Dogs and Humans

Coconut oil: moisturizer and antibacterial
Olive oil: anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory
Vitamin E oil: natural preservative
Digestive blend: ginger, peppermint, tarragon, fennel, caraway, coriander, anise
Peppermint: helps nausea, vomiting, and Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Lavender: calming for anxiety

Net Weight: 4oz

Additional information

Weight 0.5 lbs